Jared Max is an Adult on the Autism Spectrum. He is an author, an artist, an animator and he is currently enrolled in college.
As a young man, Jared participated in Virtual Reality Assessment research development and trials, in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University, DARPA, and MindKnit researchers. The results of his participation in Virtual Reality sensory immersion, attention and sensory response research were used to tailor his school environment, his sensory filtering limitations and ideal environments, and for transition and social interaction development planning through elementary, middle, high school, and now college.
This work has been presented at Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conferences with UC San Diego Medical School and DARPA, in Canada, and at Institutes of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, DC and in New Orleans, Louisiana. His work has also ben presented at the National Autism Summit in the United States,at a Virtual Reality in Medicine Conference in Montreal, Canada, and in Japan.
Following the 2005 Tsunami disaster in the Pacific and South Asia, Jared led an Animation Team which developed evacuation videos for Persons with Autism, cognitive disabilities, and foreign language speakers - to be sent to cell phones, computers, and HDTV duriing a disaster.
Jared was a Speaker at the Tsunami Disaster Conference in Kobe, Japan in 2005, by invitation of the Japan Autism Society and the National Rehabilitation Center for Disabilities, a (WHO) World Health Organization Collaborating Center.
As a continously evolving young adult with Autism, Jared is building towards an adaptive work environment and career as an author, artist and an animator. This work environment will need to be tailored to his sensory filtering limitations, his ideal attention and focus environments, and to adaptive social interaction mechanisms.
This will allow Jared to build upon his unique skills, contributions and goals for full social and civil society inclusion, for a long and productive life and to bring an imprint on society at large.