Japan Earthquake Tohoku Area: Disaster Mobile Updates from shelters, medical providers; VA Radiation, Trauma, Medical Guides www.sinsai.info/ushahidi/index.php/mobile

"November 2010, Tokyo, 34th Annual Conference of Higher Brain Dysfunction (Neurological) Society; US-Japan Exchange - Meeting of the Minds" Satellite Session shares: research, clinical and community return outcomes with VA Traumatic Brain Injury/Polytrauma, Japan Society clinicians, MindKnit Research Center (Co-Moderator) with 1,500 researchers, clinicians, therapists;
34th Annual Japan Higher Brain Neurology Society Conference; "US-Japan Exchange on Veterans, Persons with Disabilities from Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD;" Tokyo, Japan
Address by Honorable Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Congressional Medal of Honor Winner; President Pro Tempore of United States Senate
1,500 Neurology Experts collaborate with MindKnit Research Center; US Veterans Health Affairs Polytrauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, and Japan National Rehabilitation Center for Disabilities Experts
( L-R ) Dr. Fukatsu, NRCD, Tokyo; Dr. Scholten, Associate Chief, Washington, DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Mayer Max, Director, MindKnit Research Center; Dr. Nakajima, Director-General, National Rehabilitation Center for Disabilities NRCD, Tokyo, Japan
- July 13, 2010, Columbia, Maryland, Sheraton (on the Lake): 2nd US-Japan Goodwill Meeting of the Minds Conference for the Reintegration of Veterans with Mild TBI/PTSD into University, Healthcare, and National Volunteer Systems. Bringing together VA National Psychosocial Rehabilitation, VA Medical Center TBI/Polytrauma Clinical Practitioners, National (White House) Volunteer Portal Leaders (with 220,000 volunteers), University leaders, non-profit Neurological Research and Reintegration Experts to share best practice on full-life reintegration into college and high quality of life careers - to repay their service and sacrifice. Hotel Registration Website.
- 2009 Meetings, NRCD Tokyo, to plan areas of exchange and to plan a Conference with the NRCD and Higher Order Brain Dysfunction (Neurological) Society in Japan for 2010;
- MindKnit Research Center "Meeting of the Minds" - A US-Japan Goodwill Exchange for Technology and Research to Bring Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Individuals with Autism and TBI into Healthcare, Community and Workplace, held in Washington. Visit the Conference Web site.
Return to Work, Higher Education, Community and Medical Treatment for Vets with TBI
MindKnit Research Center participated in the New York State Traumatic Brain Injury Best Practices Conference." Learn more about the New York State Department of Health TBI Waiver Program.